Alpha: Questions of Life: An Opportunity to explore the Meaning of Life


The Alpha Course has helped millions of people to discover the Christian faith and explore the meaning of life. Nicky Gumbel’s ‘A Question of Life’ is essentially the Alpha Course in book format: it aims to enlighten readers about the exciting faith of Christianity.

“Alpha: Questions Of Life” contains all 15 sessions of the Alpha Course. Written by Nicky Gumbel, the book is thought-provoking and insightful about the principles of Christianity. The book is a fantastic resource to any participant, leader or helper of The Alpha Course.

1. Is there More to Life than This? formerly Christianity: Boring, Untrue or Irrelevant?
2. Who is Jesus?
3. Why did Jesus Die?
4. How can we have Faith?
5. Why and how do I Pray?
6. Why and how should I Read the Bible?
7. How does God Guide us?
8. Who is the Holy Spirit?
9. What does the Holy Spirit do?
10. How can I be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
11. How can I Resist Evil?
12. Why and how should I tell Others?
13. Does God Heal Today?
14. What about the Church?
15. How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of my Life?

Alpha: Questions Of Life by Nicky Gumbel was published by Kingsway in January 2007

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