Preaching Matters: Encountering the Living God (Keswick Foundations)


Preaching matters. It is a God-ordained means of encountering Christ. This is happening all around the world, and the author knows this only too well. He remembers the student who, on hearing a sermon about new life in Christ, found faith that changed his life and future forever; he also recalls the couple facing the trauma of the wife’s terminal illness who heard a sermon on Habakkuk and discovered that Christ was all they needed.

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Preaching matters. It is a God-ordained means of encountering Christ. This is happening all around the world, and the author knows this only too well. He remembers the student who, on hearing a sermon about new life in Christ, found faith that changed his life and future forever; he also recalls the couple facing the trauma of the wife’s terminal illness who heard a sermon on Habakkuk and discovered that Christ was all they needed. When the Bible is faithfully and relevantly explained, it transforms hearts, understandings, and attitudes, and, most of all, draws us into a living relationship with God through Christ. This is a book to ignite our passion for preaching, whether we preach every week or have no idea how to put a sermon together. It will encourage every listener to participate in the dynamic event of God’s Word speaking to his people through his Holy Spirit. God’s Word is dynamite; little wonder that its effects are often dynamic.


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