Vacancy you are urgently needed
“VACANCY —You Are Urgently Needed” is an excellent read regardless of your level of experience or position. Whether you’re a student or teacher, start-up entrepreneur or conglomerate CEO, civil servant or political leader, it provides simple and practical advice not just for the job search process but also for life, business and society.
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“VACANCY —You Are Urgently Needed” is an excellent read regardless of your level of experience or position. Whether you’re a student or teacher, start-up entrepreneur or conglomerate CEO, civil servant or political leader, it provides simple and practical advice not just for the job search process but also for life, business and society.
This book provides the tools for solving problems that have worried individuals and organizations for decades —how to fulfill the fullness of purpose —be it getting the right job, building the right business, raising the right family or transforming a nation. It provides an innovative and interesting way for the reader to self-assess and develop the proper life perspective and competencies to be successful in any sphere of life. Recommended reading.
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