In Charge: Finding the Leader Within You


International motivational speaker and sought-after business consultant Reverend Myles Munroe proves that true leaders empower others to discover their own leadership gifts.

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Munroe, founder of Bahamas Faith Ministries International and a motivational speaker, already has a considerable following through previous books and a worldwide ministry network. In a style somewhere between that of Rick Warren and Oprah Winfrey, Munroe grounds a simple message of self-empowerment in scripture (He has prepared a place. Your leadership is in your spot—your area of gifting). Like popular preacher Joel Osteen, Munroe has a gift for the catchy simple phrase (Who died and left you in charge?), but he’s got more theological heft than Osteen, and an interesting personal rise out of colonialism that lends authenticity to his words. He’s repetitive, but so are most motivational books. More iterations of the servant-leadership philosophy that Munroe espouses can’t hurt and are certainly preferable to prosperity-gospel-speak. This book will please his audience and help him lay claim to a larger following. (Nov. 10)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. –This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.


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